BLUE GREEN CITY - Blue and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities


BLUE GREEN CITY - Blue and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities




1st BLUE GREEN CITY stakeholder meeting in Bucharest, Romania

Press release 24-25.09.2019 (RO)

Blue Green City (Blue and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities), is an Interreg Europe funded partnership project working across eight EU regions to promote Green and Blue Infrastructure as an integral part of a local or regional natural heritage preservation strategy. Partners will work closely with the stakeholders from their own regions to assess the use of a wide range of Policy instruments and to identify the potential barriers for adopting green and blue infrastructure.

The project objectives are as follows:
• to develop and improve green and blue infrastructure strategies in order to create functional ecological connectivity between cities and peri-urban protected areas;
• to raise awareness and knowledge of the concept of ecosystem services and of the value of green and blue infrastructure in protecting, preserving and enhancing natural and cultural capital;
• to develop best practice recommendations for improving Policy instruments that promote green and blue infrastructure.

These activities will be implemented through interregional Policy learning process, by sharing experience and by exchanging good practices in finding solutions to common challenges posed by climate changes. Thus, Blue Green City aligns with the EU Green Infrastructure Strategy and also with the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy.

The project runs from 01.08.2019 to 31.07.2022 and includes the following partners:
• Metropolis Nice Côte d’Azur (France) – Lead partner
• University of Greenwich (United Kingdom)
• Piedmont Region (Italy)
• Southern Regional Assembly (Ireland)
• Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (Romania)
• City of Ingolstadt (Germany)
• Rijeka Development Agency Porin Ltd. (Croatia)
• Municipality of Växjö (Sweden)

The total value of the project is 1.348.909 euros, of which the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency’s budget is 136.192 euros (115.763,20 euros ERDF funding and 20.428,80 euros partner’s contribution from public sources).

Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 163, etaj 2, sector 2 Bucuresti

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