16-17 September 2019 1st European Social Progress Cities Summit

Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Developement Agency was invited to attend the 1st European Social Progress Cities Summit.

On 16–17 September, Umeå Municipality hosted the first meeting of its kind for cities in Europe who want to put more emphasis on social sustainability and progress, striving towards an equal society with a high quality of life for all.

The meeting concluded with Mayors and representatives from 10 cities in 10 different countries signing a declaration calling for a new European Award for Social Progress.

Such an award would give additional impetus to make urban environments more equal, healthier, create opportunities to recognize and share best practices, and strengthen social progress cooperation and capacity building within the European Union.

The signers: Leuven, Prague, Insula Åland, ICLEI, Nicosia, Groningen, Gdansk, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Bilbao, Umeå. 

The invitation is open to other cities to sign the Declaration: https://www.socialprogressdeclaration.eu/#sign


Photos, video and presentations from the event: https://www.socialprogressdeclaration.eu/1st-social-progress-cities-summit

Photo gallery

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